Community Equipment Service
What does the service provide?
The Community Equipment Service (CES) is a Support Service which procures, delivers, collects and recycles items of nursing equipment and aids to daily living which have been prescribed by professionals for client living within the Northern Trust area.
The range of equipment includes electric profiling beds, dynamic/static mattresses and moving and handling equipment (i.e hoists and slings). The service is based in Pennybridge Industrial Estate in Ballymena. Facilities at the store include a decontamination unit, storage and delivery/collection of community equipment along with its fleet of delivery and collection vans.
Equipment is delivered to the client’s place of residence (after assessment and prescription by the professional) and it can be retained for as long as it is clinically necessary. Once the equipment is no longer required, and where families are unable to return unwanted equipment, the Equipment Service will collect and return equipment to the Ballymena store where it will be decontaminated and refurbished wherever possible and then stored within the warehouse for future use.
Who is the service for?
The service provides equipment for clients who have an assessed need for equipment and who live within the defined catchment areas of the Northern Trust.
Hours of service
The store is open from 8.30 am until 4.30 pm Monday to Friday.
Where is the service offered?
The service is based in Pennybridge Industrial Estate, Ballymena and is easily accessible from A2 and the Larne Road Roundabout, Ballymena
How can you be referred to the service?
You should discuss your needs with your District Nurse, Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist who will assist you in obtaining the correct type of equipment to meet your needs.
Returning and collecting equipment
CES has recently refurbished its store to encourage those clients who are capable to call at the centre to collect small items of equipment which will easily fit into their cars.
CES also promotes the return of equipment that is no longer required, equipment can be easily returned to the recycling centre on site.