Getting Ready For Baby Programme

This programme equips parents with the skills to give their child the best start in life through a Group based approach which provides social opportunities for expecting parents and involvement of partners, while combining healthcare assessment and parent education. It promotes partnership working with significant acknowledgement of the importance of infant mental health and social and emotional well being.

The Programme offers six sessions to all first time parents:

  1. Helping you and your baby through pregnancy and birth
  2. Getting to know your baby in the womb
  3. You, your baby and the stages of labour
  4. Helping you and your baby through labour
  5. Feeding your baby
  6. Caring for your baby

You will receive your schedule of appointments in advance a few weeks prior to commencement of your course and these should follow your antenatal care appointments outlined in your Maternity Handheld Record for 16 weeks, 25 weeks, 28 weeks, 31 weeks, 34 weeks and 36 weeks.

Ask your Community Midwife for details.

Face to face sessions are currently on hold due to Covid-19. Please continue to attend your Midwife or Consultant for care and you can login to our Zoom sessions below for your education.

Getting Ready for Baby Zoom Classes

Face to Face antenatal classes have been cancelled in the NHSCT for the foreseeable future due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Trust has set up the Solihull approach ‘Getting Ready for Baby’ Zoom classes so that expecting parents don’t miss out on any parent craft education.

Remember to inform your manager that you are entitled to attend these classes as part of your antenatal care.

The Zoom classes cover the same material as the face to face antenatal groups such as;

  • Helping you and your baby through pregnancy and birth
  • Getting to know your baby in the womb
  • You, your baby and the stages of labour
  • Helping you and your baby through labour and birth
  • Feeding your baby
  • Caring for your baby

Benefits of the Zoom classes

  • Extra contact with community midwives
  • Informal relaxed atmosphere
  • Safe space and confidentiality to discuss your thoughts and feelings
  • Links to other forms of support and guidance
  • Partner/birthing partner can join
  • Peer support from other expecting parents
  • Time at the end of each session for Q&A

Your Midwife will take your details and you will receive a letter with the login code/password and dates for each session.  You can log in using a smartphone, tablet or laptop device. We look forward to seeing you!!

Online Antenatal Course

Want to read an online course in your first language?

Click on  Access Code: NIBABIES

These courses are approved by the Public Health Agency and are professionally translated, you can choose one if your language is there. If your language isn’t there, the latest addition uses the available technology to give you an automatic translation. You can view the courses in 108 languages.

Related Links

Online Antenatal Course Poster

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