Regional Integrated Support for Education NI (RISE NI)

RISE NI provides a service to children within the Northern Trust area. Our aim is to help children enjoy, achieve and learn to the best of their ability in school.

The service offers support to SENCOs, teachers, and assistants, as well as directly to children and their parents / carers. Our work is focused within Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1.

Our team is made up of a number of professionals to help young people, they include; Behaviour Therapists, Clinical Psychologist, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Therapy Assistants and administrative staff.

Our service takes a holistic approach to a child’s:

  • Social, emotional and/or behavioural development
  • Speech, language and communication development
  • Sensory processing, fine motor and visual perceptual development
  • Gross motor development


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