Perinatal Community Mental Health Service

The Perinatal Community Mental Health Team provides assessment, treatment and support for mothers and their families during pregnancy and/or up to one year postnatal. This is for mothers who have a current moderate to severe mental illness. Our service is also for mothers who are currently well in their mental health but have a diagnosis such as Bipolar Affective Disorder or Schizophrenia or have experienced a previous postpartum psychosis or severe perinatal depression.

We can also see women who have a diagnosis of Bipolar Affective Disorder or Schizophrenia/Schizoaffective disorder who are planning a future pregnancy to discuss medication options.

We offer appointments in your home, our team base in Ballymena, Community Mental Health Team bases across the trust and maternity clinics.

We work closely with maternity services, health visitors, GPs, social services, community mental health teams and acute mental health services.

Professionals in the team

The Team includes a psychiatrist, psychologist, midwife, health visitor, community psychiatric nurse and a social worker.

How to access our service

Referrals into the team can be made through your GP, midwife, health visitor or mental health services.


Lamont House, Railway Street, Ballymena, BT42 2AF

Telephone: 028 2563 5533

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (excluding public holidays)

In an emergency outside of these hours, please contact GP out of hours or the Regional Emergency Social Work Service.

Useful links

Medication information in pregnancy

bumps – best use of medicine in pregnancy (
The Breastfeeding Network | Independent Breastfeeding Support

Royal College of Psychiatrists: Patient information leaflets

Mental health in pregnancy
Postnatal depression
Perinatal OCD
Postpartum psychosis

Perinatal resources

Mental health before, during and after pregnancy | (
Mind: Perinatal and Mental Health Resources
Maternal Mental Health Alliance
Netmums: The UK’s Most Inclusive Parenting Community – Netmums
Welcome to Maternal OCD
Action on Postpartum Psychosis – National charity supporting women and families
The Parent Rooms – Creating a Circle of Support For Parents
Aware NI – Mood Matters Parent and Baby (
Public Health Agency: Guide to looking after you and your baby
Best Beginnings
Make Birth Better
Beyond Baby Blues (

Other mental health resources

Bipolar UK National Charity
Bipolar UK’s Mood Tracker App
Northern Region Recovery College – NHSCT (

Additional resources

Domestic abuse | nidirect
Make the Call Service | nidirect
Sure Start Services | nidirect
Get help to buy food and milk (Healthy Start)

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