Local services information
Meet the Palliative Care experts
The ‘Meet the Palliative Care experts’ video gives a quick overview about the different palliative care professionals in your local area and ways in which they can help. For more information and videos about each profession, visit Palliative Care – Compassionate Communities NI.
Compassionate Communities NI is an organisation providing education, support and resources to help us all live well until the end of life. Their programmes encourage conversation, facilitate compassionate support and promote practical planning.
Macmillan Information and Support Service
The Macmillan Information and Support Service is available for anyone affected by cancer, at any stage of the illness.
Connect North Service
Many things affect our health and wellbeing. Social factors such as work, money, housing problems, the challenges of managing long-term conditions or feeling lonely or isolated are just as important to our health and wellbeing as our physical needs. Connecting people with the right help and support to address these social needs is called ‘social prescribing’.
Connect North is a health and wellbeing support service within the Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT) area. Connect North aims to connect you to the right help and support to address your social needs.
Get to know the services in your area
Connect North: Your pathway to wellbeing (PDF)
Email: ConnectNorth@northerntrust.hscni.net