Continence Service

The role of the Continence Service is to provide treatment and management options for patients with bladder and bowel dysfunction.

The Continence Service is a small team of specialist nurses, staff nurses and health care assistants who aim to promote the management and treatment of bladder and bowel incontinence for clients who live within the Northern Trust area.

Services are provided at locally based clinics and, where appropriate, in the service user’s own home. The main aim is to promote continence and improve quality of life.

Individualised assessments ensure appropriate patient-centred treatment or management plans with onward referrals where appropriate. Training and education is also provided to community nurses, homecare staff, GPs, service users and carers.


Continence assessment and review

The continence service provides individualised continence assessment and review (both clinic and domiciliary based).

Nursing Bowel Assessment Tool

Treatment and management

We provide treatment and management options including:

Pelvic floor muscle exercises
Bladder re-training
Lifestyle changes
Dietary advice
Bowel management
Continence device provision
Containment product provision
Home delivery service
Intermittent catheterisation


All referrals to the Continence Service should be made through the Central Referral Management System 028 2563 5521

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