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Active Minds memory activities

How to keep our brains active

If we keep an active mind and challenge our memory every day we will find as we age our brain connections will get stronger rather than weaker.  Research suggests that older people can still learn new things, form new memories and be confident improving their knowledge of words.  Trying out new activities, for example, singing in a choir, learning a new instrument or taking up something we are interested in can help our ability to remember. It is important to choose an activity we enjoy.

There are many online word games and resources to keep our minds stimulated and challenged.

We have included a number of word activities for you to try. These will help to trigger areas of the brain that control reasoning skills, problem solving, also learning about new concepts by applying our knowledge learned from things in the past.

We hope you enjoy them and have fun!

Seasonal Anagrams










Complete with a part of the body

Example:             Sweet heart

  1. _______________ plate
  2. Treasure _______________
  3. _______________ stick
  4. _______________ coat
  5. _______________ dive
  6. Chewing _______________
  7. _______________ trees
  8. _______________ duster
  9. _______________ watch
  10. _______________ organ
  11. _______________ length
  12. _______________ tied


Find the connecting word

 Example: Boiling Point Blank

First word

Connecting word

Last word

Mickey Trap
Table Court
Baking Puff
Front Bell
Fire Dog
Cheque Case
Finger Polish
Icing Cane
Baked Crisp
Frying Cake
Sweet Nut
Swimming Table
Sheep Fish
Grand Accordian
Forest Place
Knee Jump
News Bag
Soap House
Fast Hat

Kitchen Quiz

All answers contain a food or kitchen item.

Someone went shopping and purchased the following items for the kitchen:

  1. Nests ________________
  2. A letter of the alphabet __________
  3. If Hanna teases the goat, what would it do? ___________
  4. It waits for no-one ________________
  5. The quality of a ring _______________
  6. Home and Away, Emmerdale, Coronation Street _______
  7. The clown ________________
  8. A primrose, buttercup, tulip or daisy _________________
  9. Hgwasin pu lquidi ______________________
  10. An amateur radio operator ________________
  11. A staple diet in China _________________
  12. The swimmers enemy ________________
  13. Product of the bee ___________________
  14. Food rich in calcium starting with M _________________


Complete with a part of the body

 Example:             Sweet Heart

  1. _______________ cuffs
  2. _______________ pick
  3. Cold _______________
  4. _______________ pump
  5. _______________ grease
  6. _______________ brush
  7. _______________ high
  8. _______________ flask
  9. Light _______________
  10. _______________ chilling
  11. _______________ tie
  12. _______________ up

Quiz Answers

Seasonal anagrams – Answers




wsomnna Snowman
smacrshti Christmas
sgovel Gloves




blma Lamb
tresea Easter
kcihc Chick




hbace Beach
ebceabru Barbecue
maiercce Ice cream




vlasee Leaves
enhwaleol Halloween
shvarte Harvest

Complete with a part of the body – Answers

  1. Hip plate
  2. Treasure chest
  3. Lip stick
  4. Waist coat
  5. Nose dive
  6. Chewing gum
  7. Palm trees
  8. Knuckle duster
  9. Wrist watch
  10. Mouth organ
  11. Knee length
  12. Tongue tied

Find the connecting word – Answers

First word

Connecting word

Last word

Mickey Mouse Trap
Table Tennis Court
Baking Powder Puff
Front Door Bell
Fire Guard Dog
Cheque Book Case
Finger Nail Polish
Icing Sugar Cane
Baked Potato Crisp
Frying Pan Cake
Sweet Dough Nut
Swimming Pool Table
Sheep Dog Fish
Grand Piano Accordian
Forest Fire Place
Knee High Jump
News Paper Bag
Soap Opera House
Fast Bowler Hat

Kitchen Quiz – answers

All answers contain a food or kitchen item.

Someone went shopping and purchased the following items for the kitchen:

  1. Nests (meringue)
  2. A letter of the alphabet (tea)
  3. If Hanna teases the goat, what would it do? (butter)
  4. It waits for no-one (thyme)
  5. The quality of a ring (carrot)
  6. Home and Away, Emmerdale, Coronation Street (soap)
  7. The clown (Coco)
  8. A primrose, buttercup, tulip or daisy (flour)
  9. Hgwasin pu lquidi (washing up liquid)
  10. An amateur radio operator (ham)
  11. A staple diet in China (rice)
  12. The swimmers enemy (currant)
  13. Product of the bee (honey)
  14. Food rich in calcium starting with M  (milk)

Complete with a part of the body – Answers

Example: Sweet Heart

  1. Hand cuffs
  2. Tooth pick
  3. Cold feet
  4. Foot pump
  5. Elbow grease
  6. Hair brush
  7. Knee high
  8. Hip flask
  9. Light head
  10. Spine chilling
  11. Neck tie
  12. Chin up


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