Wig Provision

A wig referral can be made for you through your team at Laurel House.

If you have any queries regarding your wig requirements, referral or wig delivery please contact the NHSCT team as below;

Causeway area: Dermatology Tel: 028 7034 6053 or email Geraldine.Monaghan@northerntrust.hscni.net

All other areas: Oncology and Dermatology Tel: 028 9442 4000 ext: 334750/334271 or email Sinead.Laverty@northerntrust.hscni.net or Samantha.Neilly@northerntrust.hscni.net

You may also wish to contact Laurel House directly on 028 9442 4240 if you need to speak to someone urgently and are an oncology patient.

All face to face appointments for wig fittings are now held only in Rema salon in Antrim town, unfortunately no further appointments can be offered in the Macmillan Belfast Cancer Centre.

If you have any difficulties in contacting Browns, who provide the wigs, please let our team in NHSCT know as soon as possible so we can support you and address difficulties as soon as possible on your behalf.

Further information on hair loss during chemotherapy


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