Diabetes Education
Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (Insulin Pumps)
The Northern Trust has specialist Insulin pumps clinics based in Whiteabbey, Ballymena and Causeway. Other technology that is available is Continuous Glucose Monitoring, to assist identifying problems that may occur with diabetes.
Structured Education
Type 1 Diabetes: DAFNE (Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating) is offered on different sites throughout the Trust. The course runs 8 times per year and supports people with Type 1 diabetes to manage their insulin around their food. More information is available at DAFNE.
Type 2 Diabetes: DESMOND (Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed) is an accredited regional course. The course covers the causes and management of Type 2 Diabetes. It also helps individuals explore their personal blood results, diet, lifestyle, expectations of care and barriers to behaviour change. The aim is to help people to prevent diabetic complications through increasing knowledge, motivation and personalised goal setting. The course content can be delivered in a variety of ways, according to your personal needs and current public health guidance. One immediate self-learning tool is by a validated webapp called MyDESMOND, which people can access anytime at home on their computer/phone/iPad for any length of time. Please note if you wish to phone to request registration for MyDESMOND you will need to provide your health and care number, GP practice and email address. To self-refer and discuss any format of DESMOND education in our Trust the telephone number is 028 27661478. More information on DESMOND nationally is available via this link www.desmond-project.org.uk
Podiatry clinics are held throughout the Trust. The Causeway / Mid Ulster area offers an Enhanced Foot Pathway Protection Service. If a patient with diabetes has an urgent problem with a foot ulcer they will be assessed and seen within 24 – 48 hours. This team can be contacted Monday – Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm at 02870347070.
Dietetic clinics are held throughout the Trust at various sites and a dietician is present at the Consultant Led Diabetes clinics.
Psychology Service
This service is available to all patients who require support or have difficulty managing their diabetes. Referrals can be made by all the members of the multidisciplinary team and also your GP.
Northern Ireland Ambulance service
Diabetes teams are working closely with the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service to provide assistance and education, for those known to the diabetes services, who are having difficulties with hypoglycaemia and require follow-up advice to prevent further acute complications of diabetes and prevent admission to hospital when feasible.