Bereavement Support Organisations

Losing a loved one is difficult and it is often hard to know where to turn for help. There are all sorts of issues when losing a loved one, which can also involve financial as well as emotional pressures. In this section we have compiled a list of organisations who are on-hand to help and offer advice to anyone who has suffered a bereavement. The help can be referring family members for bereavement counselling or advice on how to talk to them about their emotions and grief.

The important thing to remember is that there are organisations and people to turn to for help. In this section we have provided links to some of the local ones which you may find useful, such as Lifeline, which offers 24/7 counselling and support to anyone in Northern Ireland who is in distress or despair. Calls are free from all landlines and mobiles 0808 808 8000.

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