Board meetings and papers

Meetings of the Board are open to the public and are held at various locations across the Trust. Times and dates are published on this website in advance of the meetings. The Board also holds workshops to allow for detailed discussion on a range of strategic matters. Attendance at Trust Board meetings by members of the public is facilitated online via MS Teams.

Meetings and workshops in 2024

Thursday 25 January (Meeting)
Thursday 22 February (Workshop)
Thursday 28 March (Meeting)
Thursday 25 April (Workshop)
Thursday 23 May (Meeting)
Thursday 27 June (Meeting)
Thursday 22 August (Meeting)
Thursday 26 September (Workshop)
Thursday 24 October (Meeting)
Thursday 28 November (Meeting)
Thursday 19 December (Workshop)

Venue: Boardroom, Trust Headquarters

Trust Board papers

Trust Board agendas and relevant papers are available prior to the meetings. Following their approval at the next meeting, the minutes of the previous meeting and remaining papers will be available.


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