Paediatric Medical Services (Hospital)

Acute Paediatric Medical Services are provided at three hospital sites in the Northern Trust.

Temporary Service arrangements during Covid-19 Pandemic

The inpatient paediatric ward at Causeway Hospital has temporarily closed to admissions with effect from Thursday 9 April 2020. Children requiring a hospital stay are managed in the Children’s Ward of Antrim Area Hospital. Children’s short stay assessments will still take place in Causeway Hospital.

As of Thursday 9 April, Paediatric support will therefore only be available in Causeway Hospital from 9am – 9pm Monday to Friday and 12 Noon – 5pm on Saturdays and Sundays.  There will be no on-site paediatricians outside of these times so anyone with concerns should contact GP Out of Hours or attend the Emergency Department at Antrim Area Hospital.

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