Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. For services to be effective, each individual and organisation should play their full part.

Safeguarding begins with preventive activity which enables children and young people to grow up safely and securely. It includes support to families and early intervention to meet the needs of children / young people and continues through to Child Protection which refers specifically to the activity that is undertaken to protect individual children and young people who are suffering or are likely to suffer significant harm.

  • The primary responsibility for safeguarding children rests with their parents
  • Some parents cannot ensure that their children are safe from danger in the home and free from risk from others
  • It may be necessary for statutory agencies to intervene to ensure that the child / young person is adequately protected
  • Safeguarding children depends on effective information sharing, collaboration and understanding between families, agencies and professionals

When there is a concern a referral should be made to the Single Point Entry (SPOE, Referral Gateway) Team

Tel: 0300 1234 333

028 9442 4459

Any person wishing to make a referral regarding safeguarding outside normal working hours (Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm) should contact:

Regional Emergency Social Work Service – Out of Hours

Tel: 028 9504 9999




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