Day Surgery

The Day Surgery Service is located on Antrim and Whiteabbey hospital sites. Patients may be referred to either Antrim or Whiteabbey sites for their surgical procedures and subsequent care.

The Day Surgery staff are committed to ensuring you receive a high standard of care throughout your admission. The aim of this leaflet is to introduce you to the Day Surgery Unit and to inform you about your stay.

All patient enquiries and information can be accessed through Antrim site.

Antrim Day Surgery Unit

Antrim Day surgery an be located directly beside the entrance to the MRI Unit.

There is a designated set down area for patients to be dropped off close to the entrance. Relatives or friends wishing to stay must park in the car park nearby.

Whiteabbey Hospital Day Surgery Unit

Whiteabbey Unit is located at McCaughey House. Access to the unit is through the main entrance of McCaughey House. Please report to reception on arrival. Free parking is available on this site.

Preparation before arrival

  • You must call the booking office 02894 424967 to confirm your admission date as stated on your letter
  • If you are receiving a general anaesthetic or intravenous sedation you must arrange to have a responsible adult to collect you from the unit and stay with you for 24 hours.
  • Children under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times
  • If you need a language or sign language interpreter, please call the booking office and let us know as soon as possible, so we can make arrangements to have one present on your admission.

Fasting guidelines

  • For your own safety you must follow the fasting instructions included with your letter, otherwise your operation will be cancelled.


  • Please bring all your medications including inhalers with you on the day of admission .
  • Diabetic medication should not be taken on the morning of surgery if you are having a general anaesthetic or sedation.
  • If you take Clopidigrel (Plavix), you must stop taking this medication 7 days prior to your admission date.
  • If you are presently taking Warfarin please contact your GP immediately as it may be necessary to stop this medication.
  • If you take Aspirin, continue to take this medication – Do not stop taking this prior to surgery.
  • If you take tablets for high blood pressure continue to take these on the day of your admission unless otherwise indicated on your letter.
  • If you are unsure of which medication to take or omit contact either the Pre-assessment Unit 02894 424962 or the Day Surgery Unit for further advice 02894 424451


  • Have a bath or shower on the morning of your admission
  • Remove all make-up and nail polish
  • A sample of urine will be required on admission for most cases.
  • Please bring a dressing gown and slippers with you (Patient warming)


  • Do not bring any valuables or jewelery with you to the unit with the exception of a wedding ring.
  • There are restrictions on the use of mobile phones.

When you arrive 

  • Report to reception desk in the Day Surgery Unit where you will be checked in for admission. A Day Surgery Nurse will escort you into the Unit.
  • You will be admitted by a nurse who will provide you with all the necessary information with regard to your care throughout your stay in the unit.
  • Please tell the nurse or doctor if you have any allergies or reactions to particular drugs or foods.
  • The Anaesthetic and Surgical team will talk to you and gain your consent for the surgery following an explanation outlining all risks/benefits prior to the surgery.
  • There will be a waiting time before surgery but we will try to ensure this is as short as possible.
  • You will be taken to theatre on a Day Surgery trolley or may walk to the theatre if undergoing a minor procedure under local anaesthetic.
  • Following your procedure you will be nursed on the recovery ward for a period of time (at least 2 hours following a general anaesthetic) and when deemed fit you will be discharged.
  • You must not operate machinery or drive for 24 hours following general anaesthesia or intravenous sedation.
  • You will be given detailed instructions regarding your individualised care following discharge, including pain relief, wound care and relevant contact numbers to contact for advice post discharge.

When you get home

  • If you require medical advice – contact your GP or visit your nearest ED Department.

Wound pain

  • You may experience mild discomfort or pain in the wound. You may be provided with painkillers on discharge from hospital. Take these as prescribed when required. If the pain becomes increasingly severe you should contact your doctor immediately for advice.

Rest and diet

  • You should rest and take only light meals and avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours.


  • If you vomit take fluids only and if you continue to be sick contact your GP.

Review arrangements

Any appointments necessary for your wound management for example removal of stitches will be explained before you leave the Day Surgery Units. Subsequent review appointments at the outpatients department will be sent to your home address. If you require further investigations such as X-rays this appointment will also be sent to your home address.

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