Northern Trust Health and Social Care Services
Our A-Z guide provides detailed information regarding Health and Social Care services within the Northern Trust.
This guide covers both hospital and community based services including services provided to people in their own homes. If the information you require is not listed, please contact the Trust on 028 9442 4000.
If you are arriving in Northern Ireland from a different country, it can be an overwhelming experience. We have produced guidance to help you access Health and Social Care services in Northern Ireland. Health and Social Care services in Northern Ireland are generally free of charge at the point of delivery for people who are considered to be ordinarily resident. This will depend on your individual circumstances and therefore some people may have to pay for anything other than emergency Health and Social Care. Supporting Documentation Booklet Reason For Your Stay In Northern Ireland
- Cancer Services
- Cardiology Services
- Carer Hub
- Children’s Dietetics
- Children’s Therapy Services (Allied Health Professionals)
- Children’s/Paediatric Nursing Service
- Children’s Acquired Brain Injury Consultation Service
- Children’s Disability Teams
- Children’s Learning Disability Therapeutic Service (CLDTS)
- Child Health Development and Emotional Wellbeing Services
- Chronic Pain Services
- Clinical Health Psychology Service
- Community Equipment Service
- Community Forensic Mental Health Team
- Community Mental Health Teams (Adult Services)
- Community Mental Health Teams (Older People)
- Community/District Nursing
- Condition Management Programme (CMP)
- Continence Service
- Contraceptive and Sexual Health Services
- Court Children’s Service
- Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Service
- Paediatric and Neonatal Clinical Psychology Services
- Paediatric Medical Services
- Palliative Care
- Perinatal Community Mental Health Service
- Permanent Placement Team
- Pharmacy Services
- Physical Health and Disability Service
- Physiotherapy Services
- Podiatry
- Portering services
- Pre-Operative Assessment Service
- Programmed Treatment Unit Antrim Hospital
- Psychological Therapies Service (PTS)
- Psycho-oncology (counselling) Service
- Public Health Nursing Services
- Safeguarding adults at risk of harm or in need of protection
- Safeguarding children
- School Immunisation Service
- School Nursing Service
- Self Directed Support
- Sensory Support Team
- Service, Treatment, Education and Prevention (STEP) Team
- Sharing the Care Short Break Service- Children
- Social Work
- Specialist Paediatric Continence Service
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Stroke Services
- Surgery